进口商填制《开证申请书》的依据是( ),开证行开立信用证的依据是()。
Confirmation means a definite undertaking of the confirming bank, in addition to that of the issuing bank, to honour or negotiate a complying presentation.其中的that指代什么?
A. confirmation
B. definite undertaking
C. confirming bank
D. complying presentation
A. 随便取的,这个名字好听
B. UCP是起草小组组长的名字,600就是祝他能活600岁
C. UCP是Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits的缩写,600是发布该规则的ICC出版物的期号
D. UCP是Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits的缩写,600是指起草用时600天
A. 随便取的,这个名字好听
B. URR是Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank ReimbursementUnder Documentary Credits的缩写,725是发布该规则的ICC出版物的期号
C. URR是起草小组组长的名字,725就是祝他能活725岁
D. URR是UniformRules for Bank-to-Bank ReimbursementUnderDocumentary Credits的缩写,725是指起草用时725天
A. ISBP是International Standard Banking Practices的缩写,745是发布该规则的ICC出版物的期号
B. ISBP是起草小组组长的名字,745就是祝他能活745岁
C. ISBP是International Standard Banking Practices的缩写,745是指起草用时745天
D. 随便取的,这个名字好听