

A. 低碳钢
B. 低黏结钢
C. 低弹性钢
D. 低合金钢



A. 40mm,±10mm
B. 40mm,+15mm,-10mm
C. 50mm,±10mm
D. 50mm,+10mm、-15mm


A. 热裂纹
B. 冷裂纹
C. 气孔
D. 焊瘤


A. 0.8倍
B. 1.3倍
C. 1.5倍
D. 1.8倍

Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.
Now listen to the interview.
听力原文: Interview with Nick Ularu About leadership and teambuilding in arts and culture
Reporter: Welcome Nick, our audience must be eager to know your ideas about leadership and teambuilding in arts and culture.
Nick: Thanks. I think everybody who Wants to pursue a successful career, specially in the arts, have to consider himself/herself a world citizen from the beginning. I think one of the most dangerous notions in the contemporary society is the provincialism. I was trying always to keep my Romanian roots but I felt always the nee. d to connect myself to what' s happen in the world. I can understand the fears of loosing the identity but due to the development of the technology and information it is practically impossible to ignore some of the advantages of the scary globalization.
Reporter: But now, because we got together again here, in this amazing and --I might say--- unbelievable country as USA, let' s talk a little about your experience here, first. Then, because I know that you are teacher and a set designer in the same time, maybe you can tell me how can you handle this.
Nick: I had a cultural choke in my first six months in the USA It is hard to accept that the American administration doesn't subsidize the arts as the majority of the European governments do, specially because the USA is the most developed country in the world. It is amazing to see an artist as Robert Wilson doing his experimental projects in Europe, with European money, with budgets one cannot dream to have here in the USA outside of entertainment industry, and coming to present these performances in the USA. Speaking about evil, it is still hard for me to associate the concept of industry with the concept of arts, like the film industry or entertainment industry, i was wondering always if directors like Fellini or Bergman would exist or survive as artists in the American film industry, and how their films will look like. Thanks God, the American art survive based on the private sponsorship and on the artists ambitions and frustrations.
Reporter: Is your career as a teacher helping the artistic side?
Nick: To be honest it was more easy to handle this in Europe. My career as a teacher is occupying almost all my time over the academic year. It is frustrating to refuse some of the project proposals just because I don' t have the physical time to do it.
But this was always a major problem for me. I think I need more lives to do what I want or at least days of 36-48 hours. I like teaching because I have the feeling that keeps me young...
Working with young artists is as wonderful and painful as the love is. I hate teaching in an environment where there are more concerns about the politics, political correctness, power, etc. than education.
Reporter: Do you feel that your students are going to become your followers? What is your teaching technique, basically? Is it just listen to me, and do that or (the one that I've get myself from you) the far more difficult let's see what you have to say about the issue?
Nick: My philosophy of teaching is that the students must be the followers of their own talents, not mine. All I try to do is to develop their own personality, to make them open and confident in their powers. In my opinion a teacher must be first of all, honest with his / her students. One cannot do education by pleasing always your students in order to have good evaluations for your tenure...?
Reporter: What about the teamwork both in classes and at the theatre- is something different from other countr

A. Predominance.
B. Local characteristics and customs.
C. Individual identity.'
D. Potential dividing forces.
