
Read the following list of words and consider carefully the meaning of each one. Then complete the sentences that follow:guilt, gilt; board, bored; stare, stair; waist, waste; root, route; serial, cereal1) The jury had not doubt about the _________ of the accused.2) Others thought the programme was amusing but I was __________.3) I was so amazed at the sight I could only stand and __________.4) The invaders laid _________ the entire countryside.5) We were lost because our guide was unfamiliar with this ____________.6) I want to ge home early because my favourite ___________ is on the programme.


Complete the following sentences, using the words given below:narrow, circumstantial, cool, fair, hollow, cold, random, cardinal, colse, double-minded, round, green-eyed, happy, open-ended, capital, burning1) When votes are counted and found to be nearly equal, for and against, it is said there has been a _________ vote.2) It is __________ comfort to a man in deep affliction to tell him that it is his fate to suffer and that what can't be cured must be endured.3) A close shave is a synonymous expression for a ____________ escape from danger.4) The __________ points are the four points of the horizon known as north, south, east and west.5) A _________ question is a matter in dispute which urgently presses for settlement.6) A __________ sentence is one judicially pronouncing death upon a man as the punishment due to his crime.7) There was no direct evidence in the case and the _________ evidence was not sufficient to attach guilt to him.8) One whose nature is not easily excited is sometimes spoken of as having a __________ head.9) One whose mind wavers between two or more courses of action is called ___________ man.10) These fields give __________ promise of a good harvest.11) The __________ monster is jealousy.12) A __________ expression is a clever, suitable suggestion, which show the way out of embarrassment.13) A ___________ compliment is a compliment which s meant without heartiness or sincerity.14) Since no conclusion is forthcoming, let's keep the quesiton ___________.15) A student at an examination in attempting to answer a quesition he is not sure of, is sometimes said to take a __________ shot at the question.16) The medical men signed a _____________ robin unanimously agreeing upon the terms they would charge.

以下不计入固定资产原值的项目有( )

A. 买价及运杂费
B. 增值税进项税额
C. 达到可使用状态前的安装费
D. 达到可使用状态前的调试费

企业的下列固定资产,按规定不应计提折旧的是( )。

A. 处于大修理期间的固定资产
B. 租赁取得的固定资产
C. 提前报废的固定资产
D. 未使用的房屋

某企业20*3年6月初应计折旧固定资产原值10500万元。6月份新增台设备,入账价值为750万元;同时6月份减少了一台设备150万元;则6月份该企业应提折旧的固定资产原值为( )万元。

A. 11100
B. 10650
C. 10500
D. 10350
