
5.关于JavaBean正确的说法是( )

A. Bean文件放在任何目录下都可以被引用
B. 被引用的Bean文件的文件名后缀为.java
C. 在JSP文件中引用Bean,其实就是用语句
D. Java文件与Bean所定义的类名可以不同,但一定要注意区分字母的大小写


It is dishonest to pretend to be someone you are not naturally.

A. 对
B. 错

Within family relationships the first four minutes are also important after a long period of being apart.

A. 对
B. 错

When you meet a person for the first time, it doesn’t matter if you begin to complain about your health.

A. 对
B. 错

Most people give their complete attention to persons they have just met.

A. 对
B. 错
