4. What does Lisa think of her job?It's ____________ and she likes it.5. Why did Lisa mention her brother to the man?He also works for IBM Computer Company and Lisa thoughtthey might _______________.6. Does Jerry know Lisa’s brother? Why?____________. Jerry has worked in that company for ______________, and Lisa's brother maybe works in another ____________.
1. Where did the two people meet?_______________________________2. What does Lisa do?_______________________________3. What does Jerry do?______________ for IBM Computer Company.
下列分组中属于按数量标志分组的有( )
A. 工厂按利润计划完成百分比分组
B. 学生按健康状况分组
C. 工业按产量分组
D. 职工按工龄分组
E. 企业按隶属关系分组
分布数列的两个组成要素为( )
A. 品质标志
B. 数量标志
C. 分组名称
D. 次数
E. 分组标志
下面关于统计分组的方法描述正确的有( )
A. 统计分组的方法主要有品质分组和数量分组
B. 在研究全国31个省、自治区和直辖市的GDP时,按照地区进行分类的方法属于品质分组法
C. 数量分组包括单项式分组和组距式分组
D. 在研究人均月可支配收入时,将月可支配收入分为2000~3000、3000~4000、4000以上三组,这种分组方式为组距式分组
E. 运用用组距式分组时,组距一定是相等的