
Fill in the blanks of the sentences which are adapted from sentences in Texts B and C with appropriate prepositions.1)Philosophy in North America today is characterized__enormous variety.2) Adding to this diversity is the emergence_Interest in various non-western philosophies.3)This kind of use of analytical techniques derives__formal logic.4)The less formalized analysis is more akin__ the traditional writing of philosophers.5)This kind of analysis has ample room__the more traditional style of philosophy.6)Some philosophers use formalized techniques in their approaches__ traditional philosophical question7) Some philosophers draw__the work of both styles of philosopy.8)An alternative to the rule-governed analysis of morality, they put__an ethics of care.9)The situation has resulted__the professionalization of philosophy.10)Philosophy has not found its way__the curriculum of high schools.11) At its core remains the essential questions that have dominated the quest__ wisdom.12) The distinction between philosophy and science is sometimes held to be,__comparison, a simple matter.13)The division__labor between science and philosophy has been productive.



A. 构成叛逃罪
B. 构成背叛国家罪
C. 构成间谍罪
D. 构成叛逃罪和间谍罪,数罪并罚

通过视频可知:脱贫攻坚面临的新形势不包括( )。

A. 基数大
B. 时间紧
C. 易返贫
D. 任务重

通过视频可知:我国的制度优势是( )。

A. 集中力量办大事
B. 人多力量大
C. 群众路线
D. 党员干部的领导


A. 占用菜地开发花圃
B. 占用农用地建房
C. 占用耕地开发经济林
D. 占用耕地开发茶园
