Cet-6-1.3-Exercise 01A generation ago, female faces were rare and, even today, visitors walking through the first floor of LeConte Hall will see a full corridor of exhibits _____ the many distinguished physicists who made history here, virtually all of them white males.
A. improved
B. honoring
C. spoiling
Cet-6-1.3-Exercise 02That is, the subjects ______ to high-fear warnings brushed their teeth more carefully than did those who saw low-fear warnings.
A. displaced
B. exposed
C. overturning
用人单位应按季度将代扣代缴社会保险费的明细情况告知职工本人。( )
A. 对
B. 错
下列哪些情形,在行政复议中可以调解?( )
A. 县政府征用某村土地,该村村民认为补偿数额过低
B. 公安机关对收购国家禁止收购物品的张某处以拘留10日并处1000元罚款。
C. 某企业对税务机关所确定的税率不服申请复议的。
D. 李某对城管违法拆除其房屋的赔偿决定不服