She _____ a letter on the computer.
A. is typing
B. typing
C. type
D. are typing
The water is too much. Please _____ the tap.
A. to turn on
B. turn off
C. turn on
D. to turn off
Let's clean the blackboard.(写出同义句) What ______ the blackboard .
A. about
B. cleaning
C. about cleaning
D. about clean
A. 编年体
B. 纪传体
C. 断代史
D. 国别史
A. 上古三皇五帝时期
B. 夏启正式建立夏朝
C. 五代末年赵匡胤灭后周
D. 战国初期韩、赵、魏三家分晋