试验路段铺筑应由( )等有关各方共同参加。
A. 施工单位
B. 监理单位
C. 建设单位
D. 检测单位
在二级及以上的公路上铺筑水泥混凝土路面,在摊铺水泥混凝土路面之前必须铺筑试验路段。( )
A. 对
B. 错
试验路段铺筑后,施工单位应提出完整的试验路段施工、检测、总结报告,上报监理工程师和业主批复,取得正式开工认可。( )
A. 对
B. 错
As for organization, what are thequestions you need to bear inyour mind()
A. Is the topic relevant to the audience?
B. Is there a clear structure (beginning, middle, end)?
C. Does the speaker use strong supporting materialto present the speech's core idea?
Does the speaker link the parts together?
E. Does the speaker consider the timing?