
In the micro lecture, life is compared to _____.

A. mountain climbing
B. long journey
C. football playing


According to Russell, continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of _____ in the long run.

A. work
B. success
C. happiness

How can you translate the expression “state of affairs”?

A. 事态;形势
B. 恋爱风波
C. 糟糕的处境

Peace and war are two situations in which _____ can be respectively demonstrated in a metaphorical way.

A. construction and destruction
B. initial state of affairs and final state of affairs
C. life and property

According to the author, the most satisfactory purposes are those that lead on definitely from one success to another _____. That is continuity of purpose.

A. without compromising oneself
B. without ever coming to an end
C. without achieving anything
