When we pronounce pure vowels, we need to keep the the shape of the mouth unchanged.
Which of the following words have the sound/i:/ ?
A. chick
B. pick
C. quickly
D. convenient
/i:/ isa high, close, long, lax front vowel.
A. 对
B. 错
/ɪ/ isa high, half-close, short, lax front vowel.
A. 对
B. 错
张某因不满自家旁边的建筑工地昼夜施工的噪音干扰,遂到当地公安机关报案,下列关于此案的处理说法错误的有( )。
A. 此案不属于违反治安管理行为,应当告知张某并说明理由
B. 应当受理
C. 先到工地取证,再将证据转交到其他主管机关
D. 立即立案调查