
According to the text, FIVE of the following statements are true. Write the corresponding letters in answer boxes 18 to 22 in any order.A. It is not a problem if illegal immigrants buy fake IDs.B. Identity theft is often hard to discover immediately.C. Symantec is a new firm.D. Phishing scams involve convincing people to give their details over the intemet.E. Honest computer security testers tell the software company when they find zero day exploits.F. Trojan horses only steal online bank account information.G. People shouldn’t respond to emails asking for confidential information.H. Check for online security measures before buying things online. 20()


PART 3Discussion topic:FamilyExample questions:· How has family life changed in your country over the last 50 years· Do you think that each person in a family should have a clear role· Do you think it is better for families to live close together· How do you think that family life will change in the future· What do you think are the qualities of good parents· How will you treat your children differently to the way your parents treat you

PART 2Tell me about your parents.You should say:what they do at work and in their free time something about their charactershow they are similar and how they are differentand say how similar to your parents you think you are.You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.You will have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

把文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 估御军抚民,甚有威惠,蜀人久犹怀之。

下列对本文内容的概括和分析不恰当的一项是( )。

A. 张佶年少时就有志向,开始由于父祖有功而做了殿前承旨,他通晓儒家学说,向朝廷献上文章求试,结果换任国子监丞的官职
B. 至道年间,任陕州通判,正好遇到夏人来侵犯边境,他率军队击败敌人;后来奉诏讨伐王均,督运军需有功而升任虞部员外郎
C. 王均叛乱被平定后,张佶做了利州路转运使。后来任麟府路钤辖,他率兵迎击来犯之敌,大获全胜,受到皇帝褒奖和赏赐
D. 秦州李濬暴死,马知节推荐张佶前去赴仟,于是皇帝任命他为左骐骥使,兼任秦州知府。到任后,设寨开拓疆境,边境的部族都非常怨恨
