A customer has a new p5-550 running AIX 5.2 that is SAN-attached to a FAStT900. They have encountered hangs lasting over a minute on their new system during application load testing. They called the pSeries technical specialist for advice. Which of the following would be the most appropriate questions to determine their next step in resolving the problem?()
Are there any errors in the error log? Do they indicate any hardware or software errors?
B. Has performance data been collected? What do the results show in terms of I/O statistics?
C. Has performance data been collected? What do the results show in terms of CPU utilization?
D. What type of SAN switch is the customer using? What are the microcode levels on the switch?
A. 1%
B. 1.5%
C. 2%
D. 2.5%
A. 应用黄体酮
B. 继续应用抗生素治疗
C. 局部理疗
D. 行剖腹产手术,同时处理原发病灶
E. 终止妊娠
计算题: 长江股份有限公司1998年实现净利润5000万元。该公司董事会提出如下议案: (1)利润分配方案: 提取法定盈余公积500万元 提取法定公益金500万元 分配现金股利2000万元 分配股票股利(分配2000万股,每股面值1元)2000万元 (2)以1998年12月31日的总股本10000万股为基数,使用资本公积中的股票发行溢价转增股本,每10股转增3股,计3000万股。 1999年3月5日,该公司召开股东大会,审议董事会提出的议案,决定将全部现金股利改为股票股利(2000万股,每股面值1元),其余利润分配方案及资本公积转增股本方案保持不变。 股东大会通过的上述利润分配方案及资本公积转增股本方案于1999年3月10日实施。 要求:
A. 咪哒唑仑(咪唑安定)+艾司洛尔
B. 咪哒唑仑(咪唑安定)+奎尼丁
C. 芬太尼+利多卡因
D. 地西泮+胺典酮
E. 丙泊酚(异丙酚)+普鲁卡因胺