



A. 为了显得自己仗义不会拒绝,挺身前往。
B. 被胁迫的去犯罪时,断然拒绝,然后及时向家长.老师或者公安机关报告。
C. 如果情况紧急,确实受到暴力威胁,也可以采取“周旋”措施,口头先答应,等到能够脱身的机会。
D. 有机会报警时赶紧报警。


A. 1MΩ
B. 2MΩ
C. 3MΩ
D. 5M&Omega

You are a network administrator for ExamSheet.net's Windows 2000 network. Your computer is installed with Windows 2000 Professional. You schedule a task that will copy files from your computer to another computer on the network. You notice that the task is not completing correctly. You manually copy the files from your computer to other computers on the network without any errors. You verify that all of your other tasks are working correctly. You want the task to complete successfully. What should you do? ()

A. Start the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locater service and configure the service to start automatically.
B. Start the RunAs service and configure the service to start automatically.
Configure the Task Scheduler service account to use the local Administrator account and password. Restart the service.
D. Use Scheduled Tasks to configure the task to run under the security context of your account.


A. 普通支票可以用于支取现金,也可用于转账
B. 支票的收款人名称,可以由出票人授权补记
C. 用于支取现金的支票可以背书转让
D. 出票人不得签发与其预留银行印章不符的支票
