To () Admiralty Charts 438,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased by about 5 seconds.
A. convert to
B. come to
C. look at
D. agree with
A. 气道情况:是否通畅、有无分泌物,颜面紫绀等情况
B. 心律情况:是否增快
C. 循环情况:血压、脉搏、毛细血管再充盈时间、出血量
D. 生命体征、意识水平、瞳孔情况、GCS
E. 受伤时间、损伤机制、有无现场昏迷史
If more than one raft is manned after the vessel has sunk,you should().
A. go in a different direction in search of land
B. spread out to increase the possibility of a search aircraft finding you
C. reduce the number of rafts by getting as many people as possible into as few rafts as possible
D. tie the rafts together and try to stay in a single grou
A. 正确
B. 错误