A. Oracleusesstatisticalrelevancetodeterminewhenanadaptivethresholdhasbeenbreachedforthemetric.
B. Thestatisticsforthemetricvaluesobservedoverthebaselinetimeperiodarenotexaminedtodeterminethresholdvalues.
C. Oracledetermineswhenanadaptivethresholdhasbeenbreachedbasedonthemaximumvaluecapturedbythebaseline.
D. Thetotalconcurrentnumberofthresholdviolations,whichmustoccurbeforeanalertisraisedforthemetric,hasbeensettozero.
A typical example of a process # 19082 in the /proc file would be: # ls -l /proc/19082 total 0 dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 Sep 15 15:12 . dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 .. -rw------- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 as -r-------- 1 root system 128 Sept 15 15:12 cred --w------- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 ctl dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 lwp -r-------- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 map dr-x------ 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 object -r--r--r-- 1 root system 448 Sept 15 15:12 psinfo -r-------- 1 root system 1024 Sept 15 15:12 sigact -r-------- 1 root system 1520 Sept 15 15:12 status -r--r--r-- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 sysent Writing to which of the following files will allow the owner to stop a process?()
A. status
B. sysent
C. ctl
D. as
Given: Whichcode,insertedatline4,guaranteesthatthisprogramwilloutput[1,2]()?
A. Setset=newTreeSet();
B. Setset=newHashSet();
C. Setset=newSortedSet();
D. Listset=newSortedList();
E. Setset=newLinkedHashSet();
Which of the following procedures best explains how to enable the NIS name resolution to take precedence over DNS on a system-wide basis?()
Add the following line to /etc/netsvc.conf: hosts = nis,bind,local
B. edit /etc/netsvc.conf to add the following: process /full/path/of/process \{ hosts = local,nis,dns}
C. In an NIS and DNS environment, NIS takes precedence over DNS in this environment resulting in no change
D. Change the NSORDER environment variable
How can virtual processors be differentiated from dedicated processors from a physical processor viewpoint?()
A. Dedicated processors are fractions of whole processors that are dedicated to a single partition.
B. Virtual processors are the whole number of concurrent operations that the operating system can use.
C. Virtual processors and not dedicated processors are processors used in Virtual IO Server partitions.
D. Virtual processors and dedicated processors are interchangeable concepts, both are whole physical processors used in virtual and dedicated LPARs.