

A. 正确
B. 错误


患者女性,23岁。被木棍打击左侧腰部后,左侧腰部明显疼痛1天入院,伴血尿。查体:体温36.8℃,心率79次/分,呼吸20次/分,血压100/70mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)。意识清楚,对答切题。左侧腰部可见瘀斑,全腹压痛,左腰及左侧上腹压痛明显,无反跳痛,左肾区叩击痛,深触诊可及左肾区包块。血常规:血红蛋白70g/L,血细胞比容40%。尿常规:白细胞5个/HP,红细胞满视野。 患者下一步首选的治疗方案包括()【提示】腹部增强CT扫描示左肾挫裂伤,倾向Ⅲ级,左肾周血肿。

A. 左肾切除术
B. 绝对卧床
C. 吸氧
D. 心电监护,密切观测血压、脉搏的变化
E. 左肾修补术
F. 补液
G. 留置尿管
H. 超选择性肾动脉栓塞术
I. 观察腰围的变化
J. 使用广谱抗生素

You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer. You schedule a task to run after 15 minutes. One hour later, the task still has not run. You notice that your Event Viewer system log has the following error message; "The task scheduler service failed to start due to following error. The service did not start due to login failure." You want to run the scheduler task again. What should you do before restarting the task scheduler service?()

A. Set the task scheduler service to log on using the local system account
B. Set the task scheduler service to allow the service to interact with the desktop
C. Restart the remote producer call (RPC) service.
D. Log off and then log on to an account in the Power Users group.


A. 正确
B. 错误

某城市道路改造工程,与道路同时施工的综合管线有0.5MPa的DN500次高压燃气和DN1200的给水管,燃气和给水管道均采用钢管,并排铺设在辅路之下,需要合槽施工;两管设计中心距为2000mm。项目技术负责人组织设计图纸审核时,发现燃气管道的高程分别与现有过街污水管和电力管沟有矛盾。经设计洽商变更,调整拟建燃气管线高程,从电力管沟和污水管道中间位置穿过。穿越部位为燃气管线最低点。 燃气管线在电力管沟下穿过,成为最低点,应考虑管线增设哪些附属设施?
