
"It’s not what you know, but who you know that counts." This oversimplified statement often angers those who believe that all it takes to get ahead is hard-work. However, you can’t ignore that there is some truth in the statement when it comes to looking for a job. In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor estimates that 48 percent of all job opportunities are made through personal networking. So the real question for job seekers is how to take advantage of this phenomenon. Positioning yourself to take the advantage of the benefits of networking is not that difficult. It only requires participation in social and business events, particularly those that relate to your professional objectives. It’s a three-step process: first, choosing a promising event to attend; second, once there, making sure you get your massage out; and third, sending a resume after a positive conversation. The ready-made social situations created by professional associations are obvious places to network. Almost every professional association portrays itself as a networking vehicle for matching jobs with prospective candidates. If you do not belong to a professional group, the act of joining one will get you in the door. Once inside, you have the opportunity to meet many influential people. Beyond the social and business gatherings, networking has recently taken a turn toward our electronic future. The Internet is becoming a networking medium for communication about job opportunities and job seekers. The first sentence in this passage most probably means that ______.

A. the more people you know, the more you can learn
B. no one cares about what you have learned
C. personal networking is more important than knowledge
D. you should tell people who you know and what you know


"It’s not what you know, but who you know that counts." This oversimplified statement often angers those who believe that all it takes to get ahead is hard-work. However, you can’t ignore that there is some truth in the statement when it comes to looking for a job. In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor estimates that 48 percent of all job opportunities are made through personal networking. So the real question for job seekers is how to take advantage of this phenomenon. Positioning yourself to take the advantage of the benefits of networking is not that difficult. It only requires participation in social and business events, particularly those that relate to your professional objectives. It’s a three-step process: first, choosing a promising event to attend; second, once there, making sure you get your massage out; and third, sending a resume after a positive conversation. The ready-made social situations created by professional associations are obvious places to network. Almost every professional association portrays itself as a networking vehicle for matching jobs with prospective candidates. If you do not belong to a professional group, the act of joining one will get you in the door. Once inside, you have the opportunity to meet many influential people. Beyond the social and business gatherings, networking has recently taken a turn toward our electronic future. The Internet is becoming a networking medium for communication about job opportunities and job seekers. Networking may be achieved through ______.

A. setting professional objectives clearly
B. participating in social and business events
C. getting one’s message out in time
D. working very hard to get ahead

This oversimplified statement often angers those who believe that all it takes to get ahead is hard-work.

A. 这种过于简单的说法常常令那些相信只要做出努力就能成功的人感到气愤。
B. 这句话非常简单,但它常常使信奉不顾一切去获取成功信条的人感到生气。
C. 这说法非常简单,但完成所有艰苦工作才能得到提拔的规定使人感到气愤。
D. 这句话说来简单,却说明了人们为什么讨厌那些不好好工作却能平步青云的人。
E. 这句话虽然简明扼要,但常常令那些相信只要做出努力就能成功的人感到气愤。

They encourage the customer to return to the retailer by giving them discounts based on the spending from a previous visit.

A. 顾客此前回访这个地方的时候花了大量的时间来和零售商谈判应领的折扣。
B. 这种卡根据顾客上次购买时所花的钱为其打折,促使他们再回到该零售商处购物。
C. 这种卡按照顾客上次回访时所购货物为其打折,也鼓励客户到零售商处按折扣购物。
D. 这种卡按顾客上次来访时所购货物为其打折,从而鼓励客户再到该零售商处购物。
E. 顾客此前回访这个地方花了大量的时间来寻找购物处并领取折扣。

Getting an online degree through distance learning has become possible because of the increased availability of the Internet throughout the world. However, what are the actual benefits and disadvantages of distance education Potential benefits: The most obvious reasons for trying to get an online degree are time and money. With an online course, you can join a class, do assignments on the internet, and even communicate with classmates in chat rooms or on bulletin boards. Technology has even reached the point where students can interact with other students and the teacher through high-quality web conferencing. All of these activities can be done from the comfort of your home or laptop: any time, any place. Second, getting such a degree can, in some cases, be cheaper because you don’t have to pay costs related to an oversea adventure: air-tickets, housing, local transportation, etc. Potential disadvantages: For all these benefits, there are a number of disadvantages to this kind of learning. Above all else, you have to consider how a degree from an online school will be received by future employers because they might feel that the academic standards of such an online institution are not as high as a regular program. Second, you probably won’t have face-to-face contact with other students since everything is online. Such contact is very important in learning how to deal with many aspects of non-verbal communication that aren’t obvious in an online chat room. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage

A. Some suggestions for Getting an Online Degree.
B. Advantages and Disadvantages of an Online Degree.
C. An Analysis on Weaknesses of Distance Learning.
D. A Comparison between Online and Regular Education.
