
阅读下列短文,回答下列问题。 加拿大某公司建造了一座示范厂,用酒精而不是用硫磺造纸浆。该公司董事长佩蒂说:“这是未来之路,用酒精制造纸浆意味着出现一种清洁、无污染的技术。” 如果在小规模工厂里取得成功的这项技术也能在正式规模的工厂里生产出较便宜的纸浆,它将对纸价产生影响。这项技术还能消除造纸工业常有的臭鸡蛋味——硫化氢的气味。 该公司使用的这种工艺叫ALCELL(即酒精alcohol和纤维素cellulose的合成词),它使用酒精和水代替硫磺把木材分解成纸浆。这种工艺是加拿大在1972年发明的,以前从来没有实现商品化,但是这家公司希望它能使造纸工业发生彻底变革。 佩蒂说:“建造一座新的纸浆厂要耗资10亿美元,而且它要求木材供应源源不断。如有ALCELL工艺,只要耗资3.5亿美元就能建造一个工厂,并使工厂不停地运转,所需木材供应量较小。”他又说:“那意味着一个工厂一天生产350吨而不是1000吨纸浆。”林业产品分析家邓肯森说:“从环境方面来说,它比较清洁,而且小型厂这个概念将会使建造新纸浆厂变得较容易。”这种工艺取得成功,它将能以较低的成本生产纸浆。 第四段中,佩蒂说“一天生产350吨而不是1000吨纸浆”,他要说明的是( )。

A. 纸厂规模的缩小
B. 纸张成本的降低
C. 生产流程的简化
D. 纸浆产量的减少


Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They ______ that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the _______ man. But they insisted that its ______ results during the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and misery for the _______of the English population. _______ contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650-1750, when England was still a _______ agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity. This view, _____ , is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists _______ history and economics, have ______ two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was _______ by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace (平民).

A. broadly
B. thoroughly
C. generally
D. completely


Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They ______ that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the _______ man. But they insisted that its ______ results during the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and misery for the _______of the English population. _______ contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650-1750, when England was still a _______ agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity. This view, _____ , is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists _______ history and economics, have ______ two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was _______ by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace (平民).

A. manifested
B. approved
C. shown
D. speculated

Question 57-60 To ensure similarity in scientific investigation or monitoring, nationally and internationally agreed standards are being introduced. Several systems of documenting experimental methods and procedures are in use today and are becoming increasingly important for indicating data quality and verifying the integrity of studies. One such approach is Good Laboratory Practice which was introduced in 1982 by the Health and Safety Executive to monitor the testing of industrial chemicals. Since 1982 the range of laboratories inspected has been extended to include those working with pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, cosmetics and food additives. Good Laboratory Practice is concerned with the way. laboratory or field studies are planned, monitored, recorded and reported and the conditions under which this occurs. Following the principles of GLP ensures that the studies are properly planned, can be adequately carried out and are fully and accurately reported. As pan of the planning, execution and reporting of a study, the various processes carried out are carefully documented as Standard Operating Procedures. The value of long-term observation of environmental factors has only been recognized relatively recently although some monitoring of the environmental factors have been in existence for over a century. The best known long-term study is probably the Broadbalk Experiment at Rothamsted. Broadbalk and the other long-term experiments at Rothamsted and elsewhere are now proving to be extremely valuable by answering questions not considered, nor even conceived, when they were originally set up. Even so they are limited in geographic scope and by the fact that they are confined to one land use category. Current environmental and ecological monitoring networks, while not limited geographically, have in the main been set up to measure just one aspect of the environment. In contrast, the Environmental Change Network (ECN) was set up to give added value to long-term monitoring and data collection by providing a network of sites in different parts of the U.K. and under a variety of land use conditions where comparable long-term data on a wide variety of environmental variables could be recorded. The idea of a network such as ECN was first considered in the mid 1970s but the concept did not reach fruition until 1992. The selection of the initial network of terrestrial sites was based on a range of criteria. One of the most important requirements, given the intended long-term nature of the project, was financial security although consistent quality of research was also required. The project intended that other sites representing more variable climate zones and land use will eventually join the network as funding becomes available. The monitoring carded out at each ECN site covers a range of physical, chemical and biological measurements. Where possible procedures and measurements used by existing national monitoring schemes are employed so that ECN provides an integrating function for the more extensive sectorial networks. Environmental changes due to factors such as climate change are likely to be difficult to identify against the background noise arising from the numerous sources, both natural and man-made, of environmental variability. It is desirable, therefore, to minimize any additional variation due to operator involvement. To this end, and to ensure consistency and repeatability, protocols for each of the key measurements were produced. The passage implies, though it does not explicitly state, that _______ is ( are) the most promising approach to the long-term monitoring of environmental factors.

A. Broasbalk Experiment
B. Good Laboratory Practice
C. Environmental Change Network
D. Standard Operating Procedures
