A. 治"本"措施
B. "标""本"兼治措施
C. 治"标"措施
D. 消除社会歧视措施
E. 以上均不正确
男性,58岁,右上腹受撞击后腹痛2小时,既往肝硬化病史25年。查体:体温37.8℃,脉率118次/分钟,血压85/58mmHg,患者神志清楚,表情淡漠,皮肤苍白,右上腹压痛、肌紧张,移动性浊音(+)。 接受紧急抢救和治疗后,患者血压70/40mmHg,中心静脉压3cmHO,尿量10ml/h,提示()
A. 外周血管张力过低
B. 血容量严重不足
C. 心力衰竭
D. 休克得到初步纠正
E. 急性肾功能衰竭
Prior to installing a new system, an administrator needs to provide the SAN administrators with the WWN of the fibre channel cards to allow them to allocate and zone bootable storage. Due to the lack of installed operating system, the administrator will use a bootable diagnostic CD. Which option within the diag utility will display the required information?()
A. Task Selection > Display Hardware Vital Product Data
B. Advanced Diagnostic Routines > Display Resource Attributes
C. Diagnostic Routines > Display Configuration and Resource List
D. Task Selection > Display Multipath I/O (MPIO) Device Configuratio