A. 不强行要求皮试
B. 氨苄西林与青霉素G无交叉过敏,可以不作皮试就用氨苄西林代替
C. 成人在7日内未用过青霉素者、小儿在3日内未用过青霉素者均应进行青霉素皮试
D. 不需要询问以前其他过敏史
E. 青霉素G配成液体后放置48小时内可以使用
A. 表明承运人名称
B. 预先印就的文字,或已装船批注注明货物的装运日期
C. 货物描述
D. 所出具正本分数
A. UP控制器、存储器和I/O设备
B. 运算器、控制器、存储器和UPS
C. 运算器、控制器、存储器和I/O设备
D. 运算器、控制器、存储器
Which two statements about subqueries are true? ()
A single row subquery can retrieve data from only one table.
B. A SQL query statement cannot display data from table B that is referred to in its subquery, unless table B is included in the main query's FROM clause.
C. A SQL query statement can display data from table B that is referred to in its subquery, without including table B in its own FROM clause.
D. A single row subquery can retrieve data from more than one table.
E. A single row subquery cannot be used in a condition where the LIKE operator is used for comparison.
F. A multiple-row subquery cannot be used in a condition where the LIKE operator is used for comparison.