Yang Kang's brother has to answer questions and deal with requests and complaints in the call center. What does he do?
A. He is an officer.
B. He works as a project manager.
C. He works as a customer service representative.
D. He is lawyer.
下列属于紫外-可见分光光度计的应用波长为( )
A. 200~400nm
B. 200~800nm
C. 400~800nm
D. 400~1200nm
在使用朗伯-比尔定律时,要求入射光必须是( )
A. 复合光
B. 紫外光
C. 可见光
D. 单色光
紫外-可见分光光度计的工作波长为( )
A. 200~400nm
B. 200~800nm
C. 400~800nm
D. 400~1200nm
朗伯-比尔定律要求入射光必须是( )
A. 复合光
B. 紫外光
C. 可见光
D. 单色光