The meaning of "kidnap" is to _________.
A. kiss the kid
B. take someone away illegally
C. kill the kid
D. make the kid sleep
The word "Marathon" originally referred to ___________.
A. a person's name
B. a solider's name
C. the name of a plain
D. the name of a country
The plain of Marathon is the battlefield of _____________.
A. Greco-Persian War
B. the Cold War
C. the WWI
D. the WWII
Based on your knowledge of word-formation, please guess the formation of the word "motel"
A. mo+tel
B. motor+hotel
C. mot+el
D. mote+l
Based on your knowledge of word-formation, please guess the formation of the word "smog"
A. smoke+frog
B. smoke+mog
C. smoke +fog
D. smoke + blog