
Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.When a person is born, he / she has a set of personalities that make him / her different from others. Psychologists believe that colors are sometimes a good way to i______(1) how a person behaves and the way he / she r______(2) to things that are happening to him / her. They can also r______(3) personality traits. Nonetheless, we cannot be a______(4) sure about a person's characteristics by just looking at his / her p______(5) for certain colors. Therefore, we should not be h______(6) and critical towards a person just because he / she likes a s______(7) color that does not represent some positive t______(8) or characteristics. Psychologists also believe that everyone can develop or change his / her personality. For example, if an i______(9) wants to correct his / her negative traits such as his / her i______(10) behavior, he / she has to make an e______(11) to do so. He / She has to be p______(12) and keep working hard to ensure that he / she can a______(13) his / her goal. Therefore, if a person is determined, he / she can change the traints he / she i______(14) from his / her parents. The important thing is to change for the better and not for the worse.



A. 2-3
B. 3-4
C. 8-10
D. 10-12


A. δ≤0.5
B. δ≤1.0
C. δ≤1.2
D. δ≤1.5

当水平悬吊的主、干风管长度超过()m,应设置防止摆动固定点,每个系统不应少于( )个

A. 10,1
B. 10,2
C. 20,1
D. 20,2

下列说法错误的是( )

A. 易燃易爆环境中的通风系统,安装时应尽量减少法兰接口数量,并设可靠的接地装置
B. 风管内不得设其他管道,不得将电线、电缆以及给水、排水和供热等管道安装在通风空调管道内,但可以与垃圾道共用
C. 楼板和墙内不得设可拆卸口
D. 风管穿出屋面时应设防雨罩
