
羊的梭菌性疾病是由梭状芽孢杆菌属中的微生物引起的一类疾病,包括( )。这些疾病都能造成急性死亡,对养羊业危害很大。

A. 羊快疫
B. 羊肠毒血病
C. 羊猝狙
D. 羊黑疫
E. 羔羊痢疾


[音频]Listen to the news item about “First crew of space station recovering well” three times and fill in the blanks.The three astronauts from China's Shenzhou XII crewed mission met the press on Tuesday, the first such appearance since their(1) recovery after returning to Earth in September. At the press conference, held at the Astronaut Center of China in Beijing, Jing Haipeng, head of the Astronaut Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, introduced the Shenzhou XII crew's recovery and follow-up plans. According to Jing, the recovery following the astronauts' return to Earth has three stages:(2) , recuperation and observation. So far, the crew has completed the second stage. They are(3) stable and in good psychological condition, their weight is at the same level as before the flight, and they have further restored their muscle strength,(4) and cardio functions. Jing said the three astronauts have entered the observation stage and will(5) their regular training after completing health assessments.


A. 家庭
B. 学校
C. 同伴
D. 社会文化


A. 男性勇敢.坚强;女性温柔.贤惠
B. 男性适合科学家.工程师等职业;女性适合教师.护士等职业
C. 男性理性;女性感性
D. 男性擅长抽象思维;女性擅长形象思维


A. 生理性别是男女的生物属性,社会性别是男女的社会属性。
B. 生理性别是先天的,一般来说是不可改变的,社会性别是后天习得的,是可以改变的
C. 生理性别是由人的生物特征所决定的,社会性别是社会文化环境塑造而成的
D. 生理差异并不足以直接导致两性地位的差别,社会文化因素才是性别不平等产生的根源。
