Many people wrote in their comments and had clear reasons for avoiding the screen like, “There’s something about curling up with a good book in one’s hands that can’t be beat” and “I spend enough time on computers at work, need a break” to “I like the feel of the pages” . Nostalgia, comfort and convenience seem to be big reasons for keeping the physical book alive.: 怀旧、舒适和方便似乎是保持实体书生命力的重要原因。许多人在评论中写道,他们有明确的理由是要远离屏幕,比如“在手里拿着一本好书,蜷缩着是无法比拟的感觉”,“我在工作中花了足够的时间在电脑上,需要休息一下”就是“我喜欢享受翻着书页的感觉”。