You don't need to check your grammar and spelling in your business email when you are very familiar with the receiver.
Place where goods are sent out to be soldis warehouse.
A. 对
B. 错
Place where employees give information to customers by telephone is call centre.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对投资者来说,每股收益不适宜在不同行业、不同规模的上市公司之间进行比较
B. 一支股票的市盈率越高,股票的投资价值越大,但投资该股票的风险也越大
C. 每股净资产是股票的最低价值
D. 市净率较低的股票,投资价值较高
A. 资产结构
B. 负债水平
C. 经营成果
D. 所有者权益总额