(翻译此句)她一进入房间,就关上了门。__________________________, she slammed the door.
(翻译此句)过了几星期他的疼痛才完全消除。It was several weeks before he was completely________________________.
Directions: In this task you are required to write a letter about meeting in person with the information given below. You should write about 100 words.写信人: Sam Brown收信人: Jane Smith写信背景:met at the conference last week; discussed the latest products which will increase work efficiency,写信目的: to meet in person, give an overview of the products and services; to meet with the key members of Mr. Brown’s team at the office; discuss the best plan to suit Ms. Smith’s company’s needs请求事项: to meet any time this week or next to inform the availability
按搜索引擎的工作方式划分,百度(w w w. b a i d u.com )属于( )
A. 元搜索引擎
B. 文献搜索引擎
C. 全文搜索引擎
D. 目录索引类搜索引擎
病毒式营销的特点不包括( )
A. 高速传播
B. 投入巨大
C. 病原体有较强的吸引力
D. 接受度较高