
TPR activities requires a great deal of preparation on the part of the students.

A. 对
B. 错


南京国民政府成立前后,在全国开展“清党”运动,据不完全统计,从1927年3月到1928年上半年,共产党人和革命群众被杀害的达31万多人。以上史实不能说明( )

A. 南京国民政府是代表大地主、大资产阶级利益的政权
B. 南京国民政府实行反共反人民的政策
C. 南京国民政府“围剿”红军,对日实行不抵抗政策
D. 南京国民政府实行一党专政和独裁统治


A. 这次革命没有完成反帝反封建的革命任务
B. 帝国主义联合支持国民党右派突然叛变
C. 国民革命没有建立起统一的真正的民主共和国
D. 国共第一次合作的破裂

Book 3 Unit 5 Review一、填空题1.Complete the summary of Text A by filling the blanks with the help of initial letter given.Will you be a worker or a laborer?The text argues, by differentiating among work, labor, and play, that interest and _1_e in work are important for the benefit of both_2__i and society.There are three major differences between workers and laborers. Firstly, workers and laborers are different in their __3__a toward their work. Workers will dedicate more time to working and spend less time on leisure, whereas laborers will regard leisure as _4__a from compulsion and the more hours they have free for play, the better. Secondly, workers and laborers differ in the amount of __5__s they derive from their jobs. Workers will achieve greater __6_h than laborers. Thirdly, in modern times, workers and laborers spend their ___7__l time in different ways.While social development has created much more leisure time than ever before, modern laborers spend their leisure time in fostering bad habits. Considering this phenomenon, ___8__l learning can make the difference between being bored, unhappy laborers and workers who find meaning and joy in their __9__e_ ______and life. Moreover, workers, unlike laborers, hurl their _10__p ______ into their work, be it physical or mental.Everyone has to find a job and earn a living, and that whatever job you choose, you must contend with this essential question: Will you be a laborer or a worker?2.Complete the summary of Text B by filling the blanks with the help of initial letter given.The joy of a prideful traditionI rushed into his little shop to have my shoes 11 r__ Eager to leave, I begged him to hurry. The shoe-repairer explained that he would __12_lup to the tradition he inherited from his father, that is, one must work with _13__dand be proud of his / her fine work.Thereafter, I often _14_lin his store or dropped in to chat with him. Once, I went into his shop to vent my frustration as the poor job of the painters made me filled with15f_.He consoled me, saying “Maybe their parents had no pride in their work” and “it kept a child from learning what’s important. ” According to him, each of us can make our own contribution to the __16_fof society, and we must endeavorto make it a good one.After my return from a business trip, I went to see him. But what I heard17 pmy heart. He was __18_swith an infectious disease and passed away. I went away with a ___19_wvoidin my heart. I would invariably remember his words “If you have inherited a prideful tradition, you must carry it on; if you haven’t, then start __20_b__one.”


A. 对
B. 错
