Listen to the following sentence, pay attention to the rhythmic pattern of the sentence and make your choice.
A. Myths talk about a time before the world began.
B. Myths talk about a time before the world began.
Listen to the following sentence, pay attention to the rhythmic pattern of the sentence and make your choice.
A. They are more serious and more supernatural than fairy tales.
B. They are more serious and more supernatural than fairy tales.
In the following choices, which one is correct?
A. We should say all the words in a sentence strongly.
B. We should never stress a function word in a sentence.
C. There is no difference between reading notional words (实词)and function words(功能词).
D. Notional word(实词)can be stressed strongly and clearly.
A. 社会主义制度
B. 人民代表大会制度
C. 党的领导制度
D. 民主集中制
A. 议会民主和人民民主
B. 社会民主和党内民主
C. 人民民主和选举民主
D. 选举民主和协商民主