
Director: I’m impressed. We’ve never had such a huge increase in profit center.Controller: I know. We really got lucky in 2018.Director: I’m sorry, what do you mean by that?Controller: I mean that 1 __________________________________ somethinglike that.Director: Why not? I think the managers 2 ______________________________________________ raising the price.Controller:and we 3 __________________________________ some of that forourselves.Director: Can we 4 ___________________________________ to other divisions?Controller: We can. But they wouldn’t have such a 5 ____________ in EBIT unless another supplier loweredtheir prices.Director: Ah, I see what you mean 6 _______________________ . Wecan’t predict when that might happen.


某算法的空间复杂度为O(1),则 。

A. 该算法执行不需要任何辅助空间
B. 该算法执行所需辅助空间大小与问题规模n无关
C. 该算法执行不需要任何空间
D. 该算法执行所需全部空间大小与问题规模n无关

在长度为n的顺序表中插入一个元素,对应算法的时间复杂度为 。

A. O(1)
B. O(log2n)
C. O(n)
D. O(n2)

设线性表中有n个元素,以下运算中, 在单链表上实现要比在顺序表上实现效率更高。

A. 删除指定位置元素的后一个元素
B. 在最后一个元素的后面插入一个新元素
C. 顺序输出前k个元素
D. 交换第i个元素和第n-i+1个元素的值(i=1,2,…,n)


A. 栈
B. 队列
C. 线性表
D. 以上都不是
