
在《资本论》中马克思指出,资本的文明面之一是,它榨取剩余劳动的方式和条件,同以前的奴隶制、农奴制等形式相比进步性体现在( )。

A. 更有利于生产力的发展
B. 更有利于社会关系的发展
C. 有利于更高级的新形态的各种要素的创造


马克思指出,资本主义生产方式的历史局限性体现在( )。

A. 资本主义基本矛盾阻碍社会生产力的发展
B. 资本主义制度下财富占有两极分化,引发经济危机
C. 资本家阶级支配和控制资本主义经济和政治的发展、运行,不断激化社会矛盾和冲突


A. 对
B. 错

When I was a teenager,my mother's broken English embarrassed me.But now,I see it differently.To me,my mother's English is perfectly clear,perfectly natural.It is my mother tongue.Her language,as I hear it,is vivid,direct,and full of observation and wisdom.It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things,expressed ideas,and made sense of the world.Q: What does the author think of her mother's English now?

A. It confuses her.
B. It embarrasses her.
C. It helps her understand the world.
D. It helps her tolerate rude people.

1.骨髓增生程度分级中,极度活跃平均比值为 ,活跃平均比值为。
