three of the following states are considered part of the 48 contiguous states. Which three?
B. California
C. Hawaii
D. New York
E. Texas
Individualism in America
A. is the highest ranked in the world
B. is how Americans think of freedom
C. means that Americans don't care for their families
D. prevents businesses from being profitable
E. means that parents give their children freedom to choose their dream and to seek it
当动物患有细菌性传染病和炎性疾病时,白细胞的数目( )。
A. 减少
B. 增加
C. 不变
D. 时增时减
化脓性疾病如化脓性胸膜炎、化脓性腹膜炎、创伤性心包炎、肺脓肿、蜂窝织炎等发生时,常见( )。
A. 中性粒细胞增多
B. 中性粒细胞减少
C. 酸性粒细胞增多
D. 碱性粒细胞增多
E. 淋巴细胞增多
当动物机体发生变态反应性疾病和寄生虫病时,常见( )。
A. 中性粒细胞增多
B. 中性粒细胞减少
C. 酸性粒细胞增多
D. 碱性粒细胞增多
E. 淋巴细胞增多