

A. 王小姐是一家网络公司职员,现在已经是有八个月身孕的准妈妈。由于出行不是很方便,但是又要购置一些孕妇与婴儿出生后的物品。于是来到了淘宝的母婴频道看看,最后来在该网站购置了千余元用品。
B. 假期将至,李老师一家三口准备外出旅游,他希望了解一些旅游路线和旅行社的情况。为此,他访问了国内著名的旅游网站——携程旅行网(http://www.ctrip.com/),进行了详细的查询,认真的研究,最后确定了旅游线路,并且办理了预定手续。一家三口开始了快乐的旅行。
C. 广西自治区名特优农产品展销会上,柳江县共组织了34个名特优农产品供求信息,参加现场展销洽谈会,通过当面交谈,有12.22万吨农产品交易成功,交易额达1.24亿元。里贡村一位姓卢的农民,去年种2亩子姜,收入1.2万元。他说:“全靠镇里的搞了个展销会,今年子姜价格比去年高一倍多,去年一公斤才卖2元,今年竟卖到4.4元。
D. 李老师是某大学的教授,学院每月将他的工资直接存入他的建行账户。李老师只要登陆建行的网站,便可得知本月的工资数额。李老师还经常通过网络银行给他在外地读书的女儿汇款,免去了在银行柜台等待的麻烦。并且也经常通过网上银行实现账务查询、代缴费等多项业务。



A. 对
B. 错

[音频]After a tough (1)__________ or a day full of physical activity, ifs common to find your muscles aching. But where do these pains come from? According to a German professor, the (2)__________ comes from straining your muscles in an uncommon way, for example, jumping on a bicycle for a ride, because you haven't ridden in a long time. Soreness (3)__________ since your leg muscles aren't used to that movement. When muscles (4)__________ an activity they aren't regularly (5)__________ to, the tiny fibres that are inside them are being tom apart. As muscle soreness develops, the body has to work to repair the muscle tears. But this doesn't happen immediately. First, the body must realise the muscles are (6)__________. When the body realises the muscles are hurt,the (7)__________ is to increase blood flow to the area and increase body heat. Damaged cells are then cleaned up and the body sends cells specially designed to break down the large muscle fibre (8)__________. Healing can take place after this. It takes about a day until these cells make it to your aching muscles. That's why there is most often a delay (9)__________ with muscle soreness. Repair of damaged cells takes about two days, and afterwards the soreness disappears. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done to relieve muscle soreness. Pain-relieving creams don't work, but a hot shower or warm bath can provide some (10)__________.

Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the words given in brackets.1. We are working on the_________ that the task will be finished at the end of the month. (assume)2. This event was held under the_________ of a large corporation. (sponsor)3. The committee members think high of the proposal and decide to provide_________ support. (finance)4. His wonderful skills and high scores make him a ________ football player of histime. (legend)5. These children are delightful___________, but when playing together, they give you a headache. (individual)6. His life philosophy holds that people are__________ good. (inherent)7. He resigned from the company in order to take a more ________ job. (challenge)8. Rudeness shows _________ and makes others angry. (respect)9. The company was created by two very ________ young men in the 1980s. (ambition)10. She was dressed by a ____________ New York designer. (lead)


A. 光电池掺杂浓度较高
B. 光电池的电阻率低
C. 光电池通常在零偏置下工作
D. 光电池的受光面积比硅光电二极管大得多
