根据所听到的内容作答_____. A)Two weeks. B)Less than two weeks. C)Two to three weeks. D)More than three weeks.
Which of the followingbest reveals the urgency to combat cyber crime? A.It grows the fastest amongall the criminal activities. B.UK and internationalagencies join together in combating it. C.It is different fronl thetraditional crime. D.The government isconcerned with cyber crime.
Even Paul’s brother liresin Brazil,he has never been there. A.although B.despite C.though
Conversation2 回答下列3题: A.Because she is on vacation. B.Because she doesn’t want t0. C.Because she is workingbusily. D.Because she is studying for exam.
两代人合作经商的情形越来越多。从亲子关系变为商业伙伴,建立在血缘基础上的理解与信任让他们__________,而家庭__________却让他们的合作面临新挑战。依次填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.得心应手 纠纷 B.如鱼得水 矛盾 C.如虎添翼 关系 D.寸步难行 琐事