
Which test can determine bacteria with a specific ability to degrade amino acid, cysteine?

A. Urea Hydrolysis Test,
B. H2S Production test
C. Methyl Red test,
D. Sugar Fermentation Tests.


What test can be used to detect Bacterial ability of produce an enzyme, tryptophanase to break down the amino acid, tryptophan?

A. Indole test,
B. H2S Production
C. Methyl Red test,
D. Urea Hydrolysis Test.

Glucose can be fermented to produce acid in ______ test?

A. Indole test ,
B. H2S Production
C. Methyl Red test,
D. Urea Hydrolysis Test,

Which antibody in serum indicates the early infection of bacteria?

A. IgG ,
B. IgM
C. IgA
D. IgE.

Which antibody in serum indicates the recovery from infection of bacteria?

A. IgG ,
B. IgM
C. IgA
D. IgE.
