How can a caller do if no one is in the office?
A. Leave a message on the machine
B. Call another number provided in the company's message
C. Either A or B
D. Not mentioned
What the exact size does the man wear?
A. 44
B. 45
C. 46
D. He is not sure
How much percent is he charged for late check-out?
A. 50%
B. 30%
C. 35%
D. 3%
听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir. Is there anything I can do for you?
M: Well, I lost my credit card this morning. And I forgot my credit number. My name is Howard Robin. My ID number is 370224061.
W: Just a moment please. I've stopped your credit card and there have been no bills issued for this morning. We'll send you the new card in 5 workdays and a service fee of 10 yuan will appear on your next monthly statement. Do you have any other questions?
M: Oh, thank you. But can I open my web bank now?
What is number of the man's ID?
A. 3.70724e+007
B. 370724062
C. 3.70224e+007
D. 380724062
How does the man want to pay?
A. In cash
By personal checks
C. By visa
D. By credit card