
以下关于不能犯未遂的各种说法中,哪个是正确的?()A.迷信犯属于不能犯未遂中的手段不能犯 未遂B.以下关于不能犯未遂的各种说法中,哪个是正确的?()

A. 迷信犯属于不能犯未遂中的手段不能犯 未遂
B. 甲欲杀害乙,误认为食用工业用盐可致人死亡,于是将乙家中的食盐置换成工业用盐,则甲构成手段不能犯未遂
C. 甲欲用砒霜毒害乙,但其买到并投放的“砒霜”实际上是白糖,则甲构成手段不能犯未遂
D. 一般公民误以为自己是国家工作人员而收受贿赂成立主体不能犯未遂甲承包了一块西瓜地,并在西瓜地南侧搭了一间草房。该西瓜地位于比较偏僻的地方,很少有人来往。为了生活用电方便,甲从西瓜地北面一根电杆上拉了一根电线,横穿西瓜地接入草房。甲在拉电线时,未采取架空的方法,而是将电线搭在西瓜地的铁丝网架上,使电线与铁丝直接接触。某日,乙去西瓜地旁边的菜地里干活时,手碰到了西瓜地的铁丝网架,有触电的麻木感,当即告诉甲电线可能有破损,需要更换。当天甲即去查看了一下,发现电线确有几处已经磨破,露出了铜芯,他就用塑料薄膜将破损处


甲、乙、丙三位合伙人共同出资设立合伙企业,经营一段时间后,甲自然死亡,甲的儿子作为唯一继承人,可以继承甲在合伙企业中的财产份额。甲的儿子作为该企业新的合伙人,无须乙、丙同意。且甲的儿子入伙后,可以对入伙前合伙企业的债务免除责任。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 正确
B. 错误

It is reported that the latest type of the video telephone is light, inexpensive and easy

A. 据电台称,最新的可看电话重量轻,费用偏低,还可随处使用。
B. 据报社消息,最新式的视频电话既轻便,还不昂贵,易于掌握。
C. 有人说,此种最新的可调电话十分亮丽,不易损坏,操作单一。
D. 据报道,这种最新型的可视电话分量轻,价格低,操作简单。

Task 2
Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.
In the eighteenth century, cities became larger and larger. People moved from the countryside and small towns to the cities because there were more for them to do in the cities.
On Sundays and holidays, they liked to leave the cities and have a good time in the countryside. But not every family had a horse and wagon. People wanted and needed another form. of transportation. Inventors in many countries fried to meet this need.
The first bicycle, which was very simple, appeared in 1790. People called it "the horse on wheels" .Then in 1861, with many improvements, bicycles became a practical form. of transportation.
People liked hikes because they weren't as expensive as horses. They didn't need to build a special house to keep them in, and they didn't have to feed them. They could ride them in the city and in the countryside. Everybody in the family could ride—men and women, girls and boys.
The main idea of this passage is ______.

A. the bicycle has become a practical form. of transportation
B. transportation has changed through time
C. travelling in the countryside is difficult
D. bicycle travel is easy in the city
