
在Excel中,最适合反映数据的发展趋势的一种图表类型是( )。

A. 散点图
B. 折线图
C. 柱形图
D. 饼图


Excel提供的数据透视表,( )进行汇总。

A. 只能对多字
B. 只能对一个字段
C. 既能对多字段也能对一个字段
D. 不能

The author wishes to call ourattention ______modernmanhas polluted his environment to such an extent that he might destroy himself ifhe went on like that.

A. to that
B. in that
C. to the fact which
D. to the fact that

Scientists have reached theconclusion _______thetemperatureon Earth is getting higher and higher.

A. what
B. that
C. which
D. when

Stopping pouring polluted waterinto the river is_______thefactoryhas to solve at present.

A. what
B. which
C. as
D. that
