Itis used to contribute to how real the film is and how well rounded apolished it is as there was more time spent in adding these littlepieces to make a well-done film.根据文章,以上描述是基于哪个声音元素?
Forexample, the film creator can use the sound of police sirens but theimage on screen would be the ‘ghetto’ or slums of New York, and thensubconsciously it would be clear to you that a crime of some sort hastaken place.此段描述解释了声音具有
A. 真实性
B. 暗示性
C. 多样性
D. 不确定性
Background music adds lots of emotion to the viewer's interpretation ofthe film, and it has to match up with the video as well or it won’tmake sense.说明影视音乐最大特征是
A. 自由发挥,好听就行
B. 独立于影片而存在
C. 与剧情相符
D. 具有多样化
A. Ctrl+A
B. Ctrl+C
D. Ctrl+单击
A. 错
B. 对