
梁楷《六祖撕经图》采用哪种描法Liang Kai’s The
Sixth Patriarch Tearing up a Sutra employs()梁楷《六祖撕经图》采用哪种描法Liang Kai’s The
Sixth Patriarch Tearing up a Sutra employs()

A. 竹叶描bamboo leaf
B. line
C. B.折芦描folded rush leaf line
D. C.混描mixed and layered
E. line
F. D.枯柴描dry firewood line


李唐采薇图采用哪种描法Li Tang’s Gathering
Wild Herbs uses which of the following techniques()李唐采薇图采用哪种描法Li Tang’s Gathering
Wild Herbs uses which of the following techniques()

A. 折芦描folded rush leaf line
B. 柳叶描willow-leaf-shaped
C. stroke
D. C.枯柴描dry firewood line
E. D.混描mixed and layered
F. line

梁楷早期作品有Liang Kai’s early works include()

A. 李白行吟图The Poet Li Bai Walking and Chanting a Poem
B. 八高僧图卷Illustrations to Events in
C. the Lives of Eight Famous Monks
D. C.泼墨仙人图Immortal in Splashed Ink
E. D.释迦出山图Sakyamuni Leaving His Mountain Retreat

梁楷晚期的粗笔代表作品是The representative
work of thick line drawing in Liang Kai’s late years is()梁楷晚期的粗笔代表作品是The representative
work of thick line drawing in Liang Kai’s late years is()

A. 黄庭经图Yellow Court Classic
B. 八高僧图Illustrations to Events in the Lives of Eight Famous Monks
C. 太白行吟图The Poet Li Bai Walking and Chanting a Poem
D. 二祖调心图Two Patriarchs Harmonizing Their Minds

李唐采薇图采用哪种构图方式 Li Tang’s Gathering
Wild Herbs uses which of the following compositional types()李唐采薇图采用哪种构图方式 Li Tang’s Gathering
Wild Herbs uses which of the following compositional types()

A. 鸟瞰式bird’s eye view
B. 异时同构anachronistic
C. juxtaposition
D. C.移步换景shifting point of
E. focus
F. D.平面式two-dimensional
