A. 境外单位或个人在境内发生应税行为而在境内未设有机构的,其应纳税款以代理人为扣缴义务人,没有代理人的,以受让者或购买者为扣缴义务人
B. 单位或个人举行演出,由他人售票的,其应纳税额以售票者为扣缴义务人
C. 单位或个人举行演出,由他人售票的,其应纳税额以购票者为扣缴义务人
D. 个人转让专利权、非专利技术、商标权、著作权、商誉的,其应纳税款以出让者为扣缴义务人
E. 财政部规定的其他扣缴义务人
In fog you observe your radar and determine that risk of collision exists with a vessel which is 2 miles off your port bow. You should().
A. stop your engines
B. sound the danger signal at two-minute intervals
C. hold course and speed until the other vessel is sighted
D. take avoiding action as soon as possible