After making the required notification that a large oil spill into the water has occurred,the FIRST action should be to().
A. apply straw or sawdust on the oil
B. contain the spread of the oil
C. throw grains of sand into the oil
D. have the vessel move out of the spill area
A. 左肾结核
B. 左肾肿瘤
C. 左输尿管结石
D. 左输尿管狭窄
E. 左输尿管肿瘤
A. 储存系统
B. 供气系统
C. 燃料转换控制系统
D. 以上都是
A. 避免粉尘点燃
B. 避免设备熔融
C. 避免烫伤人员