A. 装卸搬运
B. 运输和配送
C. 产品储存
D. 产品包装
A. 合法、正当、必要的原则
B. 合法、等价、知情的原则
C. 合法、合理、自愿的原则
D. 合法、等价、公开的原则
A. 国债法
B. 政府采购法
C. 预算法
D. 转移支付法
A. 财政活动程序关系
B. 财政收入关系
C. 财政收支管理关系
D. 财政管理体制关系
Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted
A local government housing department (LGHD) has funds which it is proposing to spend on the upgrading of air conditioning systems in its housing inventory.
It is intended that the upgrading should enhance the quality of living for the occupants of the houses.
Preferred contractors will be identifi ed to carry out the work involved in the upgrading of the air conditioning systems, with each contractor being responsible for upgrading of the systems in a proportion of the houses. Contractors will also be required to provide a maintenance and operational advice service during the fi rst two years of operation of the upgraded systems.
Prior to a decision to implement the proposal, LGHD has decided that it should carry out a value for money (VFM) audit.
You have been given the task of preparing a report for LGHD, to help ensure that it can make an informed decision concerning the proposal.
Prepare a detailed analysis which will form. the basis for the preparation of the fi nal report. The analysis should include a clear explanation of the meaning and relevance of each of (i) to (iii) below:
(i) Value for Money (VFM) audit (including references to the roles of principal and agent). (6 marks)
(ii) Economy, effi ciency and effectiveness as part of the VFM audit. (6 marks)
(iii) The extent (if any) to which each of intangibility, heterogeneity, simultaneity and perishability may be seen to relate to the decision concerning the proposal, and any problems that may occur. (8 marks)
Note: Your analysis should incorporate specifi c references to examples relating to the upgrading proposal.