
听力原文: The Bosnian Serb government says it has accepted the resignations of its interior minister and at least one other top official over riots that broke out over the rebuilding of a mosque in Banja Luka. The government says it will replace Bosnian Serb Interior Minister Perica Bundalo and Intelligence Service Director Dobrislav Planojevic. Last week, several thousand Bosnian Serb nationalists clashed with several hundred Muslims over the rebuilding of the mosque, which Serb forces destroyed in 1993 during the Bosnian conflict. The Serb nationalists trapped international dignitaries, Muslim officials and civilians inside the city's Islamic center. The rioters burned cars and buses and looted nearby buildings. At least 30 people, including police officers, were injured. The top international mediator in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Wolfgang Petritsch, has criticized Bosnian Serb authorities for their handling of the situation.
The Bosnian government says _______.

A. it has accepted the resignations of its interior minister and intelligence service director
B. it has designated a new interior minister and intelligence service director
C. it has put out the riots
D. it has been rebuilding a mosque in Banja Luka



A. 指设备工程各承包单位为了提供满足生产经营要求的合格设备,在设备形成过程中,进行设计、生产及提供劳务所支出的费用总和
B. 设备工程成本是特定设备工程的个别成本
C. 设备工程成本包括设备工程形成过程中的物质消耗支出和活劳动报酬支出
D. 设备工程成本,是反映社会平均水平的成本,即社会平均成本


A. help
B. induce
C. arouse
D. agitate


A. 任何物品都能够成为商品
B. 没有使用价值肯定就没有交换价值
C. 没有交换价值就一定没有使用价值
D. 作为商品的房地产,既有使用价值也有交换价值


A. 行政是一种社会组织有序进行活动的形态,社会现象和社会活动
B. 行政管理是一定社会政治意愿的积极推行
C. 行政领导是人们为达到一定的目的、需要,组成具有特定结构和活动方式的人的群体
D. 行政组织是机构的管理者通过一定方式指挥,影响机构内的个体或群体,从而实现一定组织目标的活动过程
