
The program()to help students prepare for their first year at our college.

A. is designed
B. designed
C. designs
D. has designed



A. She was making a phone call.
B. She was driving to the airport.
C. She was working in her office.
D. She was having a meeting.

Conversation 1 6()

A. He is a sportsman.
B. He is a sports writer.
C. He is a tour guide.
D. He is a bus driver.

According to the first paragraph, it is not easy to find good work-at-home jobs because()

A. they are seldom advertised online or in newspapers
B. they may require that you live in a certain place
C. you are always asked to work full-time
D. you need to have a college degree

【真题试题】(2008年案例分析第75~78题)2007年5月15日,甲(住A市C区)乙(住A市C区)二人在A市D区某酒吧因琐事斗殴,二人均受伤,事发后,当地派出所警察丙根据《治安管理处罚法》对甲处罚400元,对乙罚款200元,甲不服,向A市D区公安分局申请行政复议,后者对甲乙二人分别作出了罚款200元和l00元的决定。 【真题试题 】(2008年案例分析第77题)本案中,法院对于乙()。

A. 应将其列为共同被告
B. 可以将其列为共同被告
C. 可以将其列为第三人
D. 应要求其提供自己没有过错的证据
