Two years ago I bought a bike. If you live in a town, it is often (1) than a car and you don’t have to worry (2) parking(车辆的停放). You can (3) it anywhere. (4) it has a seat at the back and a basket at the front, I can take my small daughter to school, to the library, shopping, anywhere in fact. I use it mostly in summer (5) the weather is warm and dry. In winter when there is snow or ice on the road, it can be very dangerous(危险的)to go out (6) bike, so you have to be very (7) . Accidents(事故)are not the only problems though. One day I (8) on it and when I came out of the supermarket I found (9) front wheel (车轮)missing. It was a long walk to the bike shop!Now I (10) three strong locks.
A. about
B. in
C. to
患儿女性,3岁,近2个月出现皮肤黄染,腹痛,食欲下降,有时发热,体温达38.5℃,发热时黄染加重,应用抗生素后缓解。查体:体温38.3℃,发育良好,皮肤巩膜黄染,心肺无异常。腹软,右上腹触及一囊性肿块,有触痛,肝肋下2cm,剑下未及,脾肋下未及。血常规WBC 16.0×109/L,N 0.82,L 0.18。总胆红素 140mmol/L,直接胆红素107mmol/L。 最可能的诊断是
A. 胆囊炎
B. 乳儿肝炎综合征
C. 急性阑尾炎
D. 先天性胆总管囊肿
E. 胆石症