
听力原文:M:I am told that there is something wrong with your video camera? Let me see what's the matter.
W: Oh, I went to the shop and had them replace it with a new one yesterday afternoon.
What did the woman do with her camera yesterday afternoon?

A. She went to the shop.
B. She returned it to the shop.
C. She had it changed.
D. She replaced it with a new one.


拆迁职工以标准价购买的“房改房”,拆迁补偿费不应全额支付给该户职工。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

No one knows the results of award balloting before the ceremonies.

A. Y
B. N

What is the most useful advice for new investors?

A. The best time to invest in shares.
B. The most suitable type of investment.
C. The cheapest way to buy shares.
D. The safest companies to invest in.


A. 宗教信仰自由
B. 政教分离
C. 独立自主自办
D. 依法管理
