
《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》 (GB 50500——2008)有关竣工结算做了规定。以下关于其他项目费用的计算规定的说明错误的是:

A. 计日工应按合同约定金额计算
B. 索赔费用应依据发、承包双方确认的索赔事项和金额计算
C. 现场签证费用应依据发、承包双方签证资料确认的金额计算
D. 暂列金额应减去工程价款调整与索赔、现场签证金额计算,如有余额归发包人



A. 正确
B. 错误

听力原文:Shall we have some orange juice?

A. That's a good idea.
B. No, we'd better not.
C. Really?

Fischer doesn't agree with the critics, because he believe the constitution brings benefit

A. the decisions can be taken more easily.
B. EU's relationship to the member states is dearly regulated
C. the voting procedures in the European Council have become more elaborate
D. the role of the Commission President has been defined.

The word "it" in the last sentence of the passage refers to

A. The Golden Compass
B. The Subtle Knife.
C. Dark Materials trilogy.
D. Count Karlstein.
