A. 舍入误差
B. 截断误差
C. 相对误差
D. 绝对误差
数值计算方法研究的核心问题可以概括为( )对计算结果的影响.
A. 算法的稳定性
B. 算法的收敛性
C. 算法的复杂性
D. 近似
已知数 e = 2.718281828..., 取近似值 x =2.7182, 则x具有位有效数字;
How many categories of the traditional Chinese garden are there according to the text?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Which gardening theory stresses the symmetrical pattern, straight roads, regular flower beds and ponds and the carpet pattern-like lawns?
A. Chinese.
B. Arabian.
C. European.
D. Indian.